General information
Mission & Strategy
According to its statute, the INFLPR conducts basic and applied research in the field of lasers, interaction of light with matter, plasmas and electron accelerators.
The applications that emerge from this research are developed in partnerships with various institutions.
The research developed by INFLPR fulfills a nationwide mission and is spread to national and international science community.
INFLPR is involved in a large number of cooperative research projects with research institutions and universities, as well as with industrial partners. Large facilities as electron accelerators, short pulse high intensity lasers and scientific know-how are open to external researchers.
Research Areas
Research programm at INFLPR targets the forefront of science and technology based on laser, plasma and electron accelerators and it aims to provide new understanding and new solutions for industry and global society.
The main research areas of INFLPR are:
A - High power lasers and applications:
- active centers in photonic materials
- quantum electronic processes
- X-ray laser development
- laser biomedicine
- laser micromachining
- high energy secondary standard dosimetry
B - Bio/Nano Photonics & Nanomaterials:
- nanoparticles synthesis by laser pyrolisis
- nanometrology
- nanostructured films & particle functionalization
- nanomaterials synthesis by plasma
- biomolecular laser spectroscopy
- biocompatible thin film deposition by PLD and MAPLE
- soliton waveguide arrays
- ultrafast parallel interconnections
- nonlinear nanophotonics
- quantum dots and metamaterials
- plasmonic structures
- micro/nano patterning
C - Plasma Research for Fusion:
- atomic processes and fusion related atomic physics
- atomic particle trapping
- hot plasmas and nuclear fusion
- plasma surface engineering
- plasma theory
- X ray tomography analysis
- plasma coatings for fusion technology
- plasma sources
INFLPR is actively involved in large European research programms:
- ELI Extreme Light Infrastructure http://www.eli-np.ro, http://www.extreme-light-infrastructure.eu
- LASERLAB, European network of high power laser laboratories http://www.laserlab-europe.net
- EURATOM, Fusion Research Unit of the EURATOM, http://www.ifa-mg.ro/euratom/