Project 4: Applied research with lasers, plasma and radiation for the development of emerging technologies (in the health, energy, security and the environment)
Core Program Name:
Advanced research on laser - plasma - radiation - space domain
Acronym: LAPLAS IV
Contract number: 4N/2016
Objective name: “Advanced research using lasers, plasma and radiations dedicated to priority domains of the intelligent specialization and public interest areas”
Project Title: "Applied research with lasers, plasma and radiation for the development of emerging technologies (in the health, energy, security and the environment)"
Project 4: PN 16 47 01 04
Project Director: Dr. TISEANU Ion
Project objective:
Main objective of the project is to enhance the capability of INFLPR for innovation and technology transfer using lasers, plasma and radiations dedicated to priority domains of the intelligent specialization and public interest areas:
- OG1. Materials and technologies for the development of new and renewable forms of energy;
- OG2. Materials and technologies for the fields of heath, environment and bio-economy;
- OG3. Information and communication technology, space and security;
- OG4. New and emerging technologies and advanced materials.
The implementation of the project also aims to cover the missing link between fundamental and applied research in INFLPR and requirements of the industrial companies, especially those members of the MHTC cluster. This goal is proposed to be achieved by exploitation of the new research infrastructure from the Center for Advanced Technology Laser CETAL.
Specific objectives:
Under the overall theme "OG 1: Materials and technologies for the development of new and renewable forms of energy" one targets following specific objectives:
- OS 1.1 Investigation of new nanostructured materials produced by laser methods for applications in solar cells.
- OS 1.2 Materials for applications in nuclear fusion: special coatings of tokamak plasma facing components.
- OS 1.3 Advanced numerical techniques for diagnostics and control of fusion plasma in real experimental conditions.
Aspects of the "OG2: Materials and technologies for health, environment and bio-economy" will be addressed in the following directions:
- OS 2.1 Application of non-thermal plasma in remediating contaminated water.
- OS 2.2 Synthesis, processing and characterization of ceramic materials for encapsulation of radioactive fission products.
- OS 2.3 Investigation of beam propagation through turbulent environments structured and / or dynamic environments with microscopic structure for non-invasive imaging and optical detection.
- OS 2.4 Multimodal imaging platform for the development of nanomaterials for innovative research in biotechnology and theranostics.
- OS 2.5 Research on development of hyperspectral imaging system that uses an interferometer as dispersive element, with applications in areas such as environment and health
In the field "OG3: Information and communication technology, space and security" one investigates:
- OS 3.1 Synthesis and optimization of structures for sensors with high selectivity to detect specific gases.
- OS 3.2 Determination of the characteristics of cosmic rays and solar wind particles transport.
- OS 3.3 Nanostructured films obtained by combined laser techniques used in toxic gas sensors.
The most numerous specific objectives will be targeted in the thematic area "OG4: New and emerging technologies and advanced materials"
- OS 4.1 Advanced laser diode pumped solid state laser to ignite fuel in internal combustion engines.
- OS 4.2 Synthesis and micro / macro laser processing of advanced materials.
- OS 4.3 Synthesis in plasma of highly reproducible planar structures with alternating properties.
- OS 4.4 Synthesis in field of ionizing radiation of mixtures of superabsorbent hydrogel and graphene. Investigation of compounds with chiral activity of medical products.
- OS 4.5. Experimental research on laser welding of metallic materials
- OS 4.6 Development and application of nondestructive techniques for the quality assurance monitorization of laser, plasma and radiation processing methods.
The entire project will benefit of the development and implementation of advanced numerical modeling techniques for information storage and manipulation of data in order to facilitate access to advanced laser and plasma research with application in health, space and security.