It is possible to use cold atmospheric pressure plasma for wastewater purification and functional food production - case studies - Marti, 9 Aprilie 2024, ora 11:00
Seminar General
Marti, 9 Aprilie 2024, ora 11:00
Fotoplasmat, Sala de seminar
Titlu: "It is possible to use cold atmospheric pressure plasma for wastewater purification and functional food production - case studies"
Prezintă: Anna Dzimitrowicz si Piotr Jamroz, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Piotr Jamroz currently works as an associate professor of chemistry at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Metallurgy. Prof. Jamroz is a Polish plasma chemist involved in the development and characterization of new systems based on cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAPP), including atmospheric pressure glow discharges (APGD), microwave discharges (MWPD), barrier discharges (DBD), among others. In 2006, he obtained a PhD, and in 2016, DSC in chemical science, both, at the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology. His main area of interest is the application of CAPP in materials engineering (surfaces), environmental engineering, food chemistry, nanotechnology, analytical chemistry, and biomedicine. In 2018, he received the prestigious award of the Committee of Analytical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences for outstanding achievements in the field of miniaturization and characterization of new plasma excitation sources. He was also awarded as a co-author of inventions by the Ombudsman of the Patent Office (2020), Dziennik Gazeta Prawna (Eureka! DGP 2020), and Quartus (2024). Currently, he is a co-author of 105 publications from JCR list (with a total IF = 429), 26 book chapters, 8 patents, and 7 patent applications.
Anna Dzimitrowicz currently works as an associate professor of chemistry at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Metallurgy. Prof. Dzimitrowicz conduct research studies in the filed of environmental protection, food chemistry, nanotechnology, and agriculture using cold atmospheric pressure plasmas. Prof. Dzimitrowicz obtained her PhD in 2017, based on the defence of her doctoral thesis entitled: "Application of atmospheric pressure glow discharge generated in contact with liquid for synthesis of metallic nanostructures”, distinguished by the Council of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology. In 2022, she obtained her DSc in the field of chemical sciences. Prof. Dzimitrowicz completed numerous scientific internships, carrying out research, among others: in a) Universita degli Studi di Firenze, in the group of prof. Baglioni, b) Univerista degli Studi di Firenze, in the group of prof. Mengoni, c) CNRS Center for Molecular Biophysics, in the group of Dr. Grillon, and d) the University of Gdansk and the Medical University of Gdansk, in the group of Prof. Łojkowska. Her scientific activity has been awarded many times. In 2018, she received two prestigious scholarships, i.e. the 3-year Young Outstanding Scientist Scholarship, financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, and the START scholarship, financed by the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP). Moreover, in the same year her stay at CNRS, Orleans, France, was financed by the French Embassy. In 2016, Dzimitrowicz received the Max Born scholarship, financed by the Mayor of Wrocław, for outstanding scientific achievements. Currently, she is the principal investigator/co-principal investigator of three research projects financed by the National Science Centre (Poland), i.e. Sonata 15, Opus 23, and Opus 17 (projects implemented in the Consortium composed of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, the University of Gdansk and the Medical University of Gdansk). In this project she carry out the studies associated with the application of cold atmospheric pressure plasmas in environmental protection, food production, and agricultures, respectively. She was also awarded as a co-author of inventions by the Ombudsman of the Patent Office (2020), Dziennik Gazeta Prawna (Eureka! DGP 2020), and Quartus (2025) competition. Currently, she is a co-author of 66 publications from the JCR list (with a total IF = 324), 20 book chapters, 7 patents, and 7 patent applications. She is also a member of the Young Academy of Europe (since 2023), COST Action (CA 19110), ECIS (since 2014), and the Polish Chemical Society (since 2013).