Project 3: Multidisciplinary studies with lasers, plasma and radiations in public priority domains (environment and healthcare)
Core Program Name:
Advanced research on laser - plasma - radiation - space domain
Acronym: LAPLAS IV
Contract number: 4N/2016
Objective name: “Advanced research using lasers, plasma and radiations dedicated to priority domains of the intelligent specialization and public interest areas”
Project Title: "Multidisciplinary studies with lasers, plasma and radiations in public priority domains (environment and healthcare)”
Project 3: PN 16 47 01 03
Project Director: Dr. SOCOL Gabriel
Project’ general objectives:
- To extend standards for the research and publication quality improvement within INFLPR with positive impact on public priority domains (environment and healthcare)
- Correlation of research directions towards the domains designated as priorities of the National economy according to INFLPR and SNCDI 2014-2020
- Attracting new funds from private and foreign sources.
Project’ specific objectives:
- Laser and plasma functionalization of biomaterials and drugs for curative medicine and diagnostic applications
- Studies dedicated to the development of devices for medical and diagnostic applications
- Studies based on laser and plasma techniques for the pollution control and reduction.
Targets to achieve specific objectives of the project:
- Laser and plasma functionalization of biomaterials and drugs for curative medicine and diagnostic applications. The results will be applied for advanced medical implants (dental and orthopedic), diseases diagnosing and healing by means of modern invasive methods, enhancement of drugs effectiveness, etc.
- Biosensors for detecting biological and biochemical analytes will be manufactured. We propose structures and devices for detecting blood glucose, fungi or toxic substances resulted from food alteration or contamination.
- The development of devices for laser treatments and surgery. New laser sources based on active media and nonlinear optical components will generate proper radiations for laser-tissue interactions with applications in surgery, treatment and diagnostics.
- The synthesis of new materials and structures for photocatalytic decontamination. Photocatalytic effective materials such as powders, coatings and membranes will be produced and tested for decontaminating wastewater resulted from industrial processes.