Scientific activity

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  • Unable to create scaled Imagine in miniatura image.

Carbon nanoparticles synthesized by laser pyrolysis technique

Carbon nanoparticles synthesized by laser pyrolysis technique, forming a homogeneous film onto the water surface through self-assembling phenomenon. The thickness of the film is around 2 µm.

Wavefron shape after reconstruction

Wavefron shape after reconstruction

A self-referencing inteferometric method of wavefront sensing based on lateral shearing interferometry, able to measure the local slope of a wavefront is described.

For this, a deformable mirror is used to manipulate the testing wavefront and a Murty plane-parallel plate interferometer to analyze this wavefront. We demonstrate the interferometer by measuring a series of different wavefront shapes using coherent light.

Interferogram of the sheared wavefronts

Interferogram of the sheared wavefronts

A self-referencing inteferometric method of wavefront sensing based on lateral shearing interferometry, able to measure the local slope of a wavefront is described.

For this, a deformable mirror is used to manipulate the testing wavefront and a Murty plane-parallel plate interferometer to analyze this wavefront. We demonstrate the interferometer by measuring a series of different wavefront shapes using coherent light.

Mica crystal viwed through the Fizeau interferometer

Birefringence measurement

Birefringence is formally defined as the double refraction of light in a transparent, molecularly ordered material, which is manifested by the existence of orientation-dependent differences in refractive index. Many transparent solids are optically isotropic, meaning that the index of refraction is equal in all directions throughout the crystalline lattice. Examples of isotropic solids are glass, table salt (sodium chloride, illustrated in many polymers, and a wide variety of both organic and inorganic compounds.

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