
Seminar INFLPR Miercuri, 16.03.2016, ora 11:00, Sectia Laseri, Dr. Andrei Rotaru:“ Kinetics of Heterogeneous Processes of Materials: Fundaments and Advances ”

Sunteti invitati sa participati la seminarului stiintific de miercuri, 16.03.2016, ora 11:00 din Sectia Laseri care va cuprinde prezentarea D-lui Andrei Rotaru cu titlul:“ Kinetics of Heterogeneous Processes of Materials: Fundaments and Advances ”

Seminar INFLPR, Miercuri, 02.03.2016, ora 10:00, Sectia Laseri, Dr. Felix Sima: "Laser 3D integration of biomimetic architecture with lab-on-a-chip devices: application to cancer research"

Sunteti invitati sa participati la seminarul stiintific de Miercuri, 02.03.2016, ora 10:00 din Sectia Laseri care va cuprinde prezentarea D-lui Felix Sima, cu titlul: "Laser 3D integration of biomimetic architecture with lab-on-a-chip devices: application to cancer research".

Seminar INFLPR, Miercuri, 24.02.2016, ora 10:00, Sectia Laseri, Dr. Alexandra Palla Papavlu: “Advances in laser writing of low power integrated gas sensors”

Sunteti invitati sa participati la seminarul stiintific de Miercuri, 24.02.2016, ora 10:00 din Sectia Laseri care va cuprinde prezentarea Dnei Alexandra Palla Papavlu, cu titlul: “Advances in laser writing of low power integrated gas sensors”

Seminar INFLPR, Miercuri, 17.02.2016, ora 10:00, Sectia Laseri, Dr. Andrei Popescu: “Montaj experimental pentru monitorizarea fazei lichide in timpul procesarii laser a metalelor”

Sunteti invitati sa participati la seminarul stiintific de Miercuri, 17.02.2016, ora 10:00 din Sectia Laseri care va cuprinde prezentarea D-lui Andrei Popescu, cu titlu: “Montaj experimental pentru monitorizarea fazei lichide in timpul procesarii laser a metalelor”.

Seminar INFLPR, Miercuri, 06.04.2016, ora 10:00, Sectia Laseri, Dr. Simion Sandel: "Real-time synchronization of ultrashort pulse laser beams, based on interferometric methods"

Sunteti invitati sa participati la seminarului stiintific de miercuri, 06.04.2016, ora 10:00 din Sectia Laseri care va cuprinde prezentarea D-lui Simion Sandel cu titlul: "Real-time synchronization of ultrashort pulse laser beams, based on interferometric methods"

Seminar INFLPR, Miercuri, 13.04.2016, ora 10:00, Sectia Laseri, Dr. Mihai Lucian Pascu: “Optical properties of droplets, bubbles, foams and emulsions and their applications in biomedicine”

Seminar stiintific Miercuri, 13.04.2016, ora 10:00, Sectia Laseri, prezinta Dr. Mihai Lucian Pascu: “Optical properties of droplets, bubbles, foams and emulsions and their applications in biomedicine”

Seminar INFLPR

Pe data de 18 Mai 2011 se va sustine seminarul CETAL intitulat: "Noi provocari pentru domeniul laser si aplicatii" prezentat de D-l Dr. Constantin Grigoriu.

Seminar INFLPR, Prof. Eli KAPON, Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), 13 Mai 2010: Quantum Nanophotonics using Ordered Quantum Dot systems

Titlul seminarului: Quantum Nanophotonics using Ordered Quantum Dot systems

Eli Kapon received his Ph.D. in physics from Tel Aviv University, Israel in
1982. He then spent two years at the California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, as a Chaim Weizmann Research Fellow, where he worked mainly on
phase-locked arrays of semiconductor lasers. From 1984 till 1993 he was with
Bellcore, New Jersey, first as member of technical staff, and from 1989 as
District Manager. At Bellcore, he worked on integrated optics in III-V

Seminar INFLPR, Prof. Pierre Agostini, Ohio State University, Thursday 24, September: Exploring the wavelength scaling of laser-atom interactions:

24-25, Septembrie 2009
Seminars at Laser Dept., INFLPR
Visitor: Prof. Pierre Agostini, Ohio State University
Host: General Director INFLPR: Dr. Ing. Rares Medianu

Thursday 24, September
10,00 – 11,00 Welcome meeting at INFLPR
11,00 - 12,30 General Seminar:
Exploring the wavelength scaling of laser-atom interactions:
fundamentals and applications
Prof. Pierre Agostini, Ohio State University
12,30 – 13,00 Discussions
13,00 – 14,00 Lunch offered by the Institute
14,00 – 16,00 Round Table: Short presentations

Seminar INFLPR, Vineri, 8 Mai 2009, Ora 11:00, Hervé PELLETIER: "Développements récents dans la réalisation de couches biocéramiques et leurs caractérisations"

Vineri, 8 Mai 2009, Ora 11,00

"Développements récents dans la réalisation de couches biocéramiques et leurs caractérisations"

Sef de laborator la Institutul National de Stiinte Aplicate (INSA) si conferentiar la Universitatea Louis Pasteur din Strasbourg.


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