CETAL Workshop 2020 - online
About the workshop The 4th edition of the CETAL Workshop takes place between December 16-18, 2020.
This year the CETAL Workshop will have an online format and will include two sections:
- presentations of the results of the research projects carried out this year in INFLPR;
- online courses given by experienced researchers, dedicated to young researchers from NILPRP.
The role of the workshop is to stimulate at the Institute level the scientific communication between laboratories, high quality informal scientific discussions, brainstorming activities, openness, collegiality, youth initiative. And last but not least, it is an opportunity to popularize the CETAL infrastructure among colleagues from INFLPR. We also encourage the participation of colleagues with little experience in giving oral presentations, as an opportunity to develop their science communication skills.
Workshop calendar:
- November 23 - opening of the website for registration of works.
- December 15 - deadline for submission of works.
- December 15 - display of the program.
- December 17 - 18 - WORKSHOP (online).
Emanuel AXENTE
Felix SIMA